6 Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric Shots

In Ayurveda (the knowledge of longevity), Ginger is known as Vishwabheshaja- the Universal Medicine benefiting everybody while Turmeric is known as Aushadhi- The Herb benefiting all Diseases.

So imagine the potency of these Two Superherbs consumed together as a shot- it is a match made in Herbal Heavens.

At our farms located in the Lakadong Region of the North Eastern Himalayas, India, it is not a surprise that these two herbs grow side by side. They come from the same family of herbs called the Zingiberaceae.

In this blog post, let's look at the benefits of Ginger and Turmeric Shots, and how it is made! 


Health Benefits of Drinking Ginger Turmeric Shots

Both Ginger and Turmeric have many properties in common. Both have immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant compounds. The amazing duo can heal our bodies with its gifted medicinal properties


Help in Lowering the Risk of Heart Disease

Turmeric and Ginger are herbs that have protective compounds. Both come under the Zingiberaceae family of herbs. They have bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties. Free radicals are tissue-damaging molecules, with uneven numbers of electrons. Such free radicals become catalysts for many chronic diseases like cardiac diseases and cancer.

Turmeric can scavenge such toxic free radicals in the body. Ginger has high total antioxidant levels, as seen more often in berries. It can reduce the formation of free radicals. Both ginger and turmeric act as superheroes against the formation of harmful free radicals.

Thus, both rhizomes work hand-in-hand to keep your heart healthy. We use turmeric and ginger apart from other powerful synergistic super spices in our Mt.Meru Medicines' Golden Milk Superblend or Ayurvedic Haldi Doodh too!


May Play a Preventive Role against Cancer

Research shows that they have the potential to block carcinogens. The Curcumin compound in Turmeric; Gingerol, Shogaol, and Zingerone in Ginger showed positive responses when tested against carcinogens. Daily consumption of turmeric and ginger shots in proper amounts can protect your body against cancer-forming cells.


Maintains Gut Health

According to Ayurveda, both ginger and turmeric help in Agni Dipana- enkindle the digestive fire. 

Ginger has been a staple home remedy for treating upset stomach, bloating, nausea, and indigestion for ages. Ginger warms the digestive system, increases agni- the digestive fire, and hence increases the secretion of digestive enzymes. 

Ginger is also beneficial in curing nausea- including post-operative, travel sickness, and morning sickness. 

A review in 2022, in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition mentions that Pregnant women who consumed Ginger were 7.5 times less likely to have nausea than those who received a placebo.

Turmeric promotes healthy intestines by reducing pathogenic bacteria and destroying toxins. It has recently been proven that turmeric has a great affinity for the large intestine and plays a preventative role in Bowel Cancer. 

Thus, the combination of ginger and turmeric in the form of shots can aid in digestion and alleviate gut-related diseases.


Relieves Pain & Sickness

Turmeric in Ayurveda is also known as Jvarantika, which in Sanskrit means 'Destroyer of Fever'. A common home remedy is to consume Turmeric and Ginger together (by extracting juice or chewing chunks) to decrease pain and cure sickness. Both superspices are blessed with powerful anti-microbial properties. Turmeric's active compound Curcumin helps reduce pain caused by Arthritis. Our Premium Lakadong Turmeric Tablets enriched in Curcumin can help patients suffering from arthritic symptoms.


Reduces Inflammation

Research showed that consuming 1-3 grams of ginger per day for 6-12 weeks reduced C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, which is an inflammatory marker.  Studies also show that turmeric can be as effective as ibuprofen and aspirin (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for treating inflammation).  Ginger and Turmeric never fail to impress us with their anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation opens up pathways for diseases like arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. But, both herbs when consumed in proper proportions have the potential to reduce inflammation and help in decreasing the risk of such chronic diseases


Supports Immune Function

Turmeric has antimicrobial properties. It has generous proportions of vitamin B6, riboflavin, vitamin C, and minerals like zinc, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Herbalists consider this super herb as the 'Gift of Mother Nature'. Some Benefits of Turmeric Tablets include helping you build immunity against colds, flu, and influenza. Ginger's active compound 'Gingerol' wards off illness and acts as an immunity booster. This is one of the most significant benefits of ginger and turmeric shots. Both are rock stars in strengthening the immune system.


How to Make Ginger and Turmeric Shots?

Ginger Turmeric Shot has the zing of ginger, the earthy flavor of turmeric, the tang of lemon, and the sweetness of honey.

Ingredients to make Zingy Tangy Ginger Turmeric Shot

  1. 2-inch fresh Ginger root (grated or chopped)

  2. 2-inch fresh Turmeric root or Finest Lakadong Turmeric Powder (1 teaspoon)

  3. 1 pinch of powdered Black Pepper or 1 peppercorn (to enhance absorption of turmeric)

  4. 1 tablespoon lemon juice

  5. Honey (According to sweetness preferred)

  6. Lukewarm Water (depends on preferred preparation method)


Directions to prepare Ginger & Turmeric Shot

  • Roughly peel the roots and cut them into small chunks. To it, add black pepper, lemon juice, and water (around 2 oz.) and blend it. 

  • If using Lakadong Turmeric Powder add about 8 o.z. water to the ginger and lemon juice and blend until smooth.

  • Add honey according to your taste. Honey acts as a vehicle to take the herbs deep into the tissues, and helps in balancing the heating effect of the combo.  

  • Strain if required, and add honey according to taste. Enjoy the concoction, and feel energetic all day long! 


When is the Best Time to have Ginger and Turmeric Shot?

This healthy concoction can be taken when you feel nauseated, any time in the day as a part of your detox routine, or when suffering from indigestion or cold. However, having it daily is much more effective. 

The best time to have Ginger Turmeric Shot would be in the mornings, on an empty stomach. You can also have Ginger Turmeric Shot after a workout since it soothes muscle aches and inflammation.


4 Reasons to Drink Ginger & Turmeric Shots in the Morning

Here are 4 Reasons to Drink Ginger & Turmeric Shots in the Morning:

Give you Boost

This healthy shot can wake up your taste buds and also act as a detoxifier! The concoction is enriched in vitamins and minerals. Hence, having ginger & turmeric shots first thing in the morning can energize you way more effectively than a cup of espresso! 

Source of Vitamin C 

Turmeric and Lemon are good sources of vitamin C. Enriched in vitamin C, ginger & turmeric shots serve as immunity boosters, aid in digestion, and reduce the risk of catching a cold and flu.

Support Your Gut Health

Both the roots of Ginger and Turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger rhizomes help neutralize stomach acid. It takes care of your digestive tract and decreases the symptoms of gas and bloating. Turmeric aids in the production of bile and is known to decrease irritable bowel syndrome and other kinds of gut inflammation. 

Easy to Add to Your Daily Diet

Ginger and Turmeric roots are commonly used spices. You can use turmeric powder when the rhizomes are not freshly available. 

Our pure and potent Lakadong Turmeric Powder has 4 times more Curcumin than the other varieties of turmeric. Hence, using the Finest Lakadong Turmeric Powder will work effectively in the Ginger Turmeric Shots.


Make Mt. Meru's Lakadong Turmeric Powder Your Go-To Choice

Fresh turmeric roots are only available only during the harvest season (December- February). The turmeric rhizomes that you get all year round except the harvest season, come from the cold storage. 

Since fresh roots are not available in all seasons, you can rely on Mt.Meru Medicines' Finest Lakadong Turmeric Powder. Turmeric harvested in the Lakadong region of the North Eastern Himalayas in India has a high curcumin content. 

Our turmeric rhizomes harvested in Lakadong are hand-picked, sun-dried, and stone-ground through ancient farming rituals. We follow the synergy cropping method to develop synergy between the rhizosphere and organisms. The post-harvest process itself takes 6 -10 times more time than the standard industrial process.

Our Premium Lakadong Turmeric Powder is pure and potent. It has 4 times higher curcumin content than any other variety of turmeric. It is third-party tested for heavy metals like lead and curcumin content. It is free from preservatives, extracts, and additives. Instead of following a reductionist approach, we follow an Ayurvedic approach to preserve the Prana (Life Force) in the rhizomes


FAQs about  Ginger Turmeric Shots

  • Ginger Turmeric shots help you boost your immune system, keep the microbes at bay, reduce inflammation, aids in digestion, and helps us maintain cardio health since these herbs are enriched in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.

  • It is safe to have Turmeric & Ginger daily. Ayurveda recommends everything in moderation. Intake of anything too much can always result in some kind of side effect. Also, if you have a Pitta Dosha aggravation, you want to take this shot in moderation otherwise it can aggravate the Pitta. When you add any new supplement to your diet, be sure to consult your doctor about the same.

  • Yes. Herbs like Turmeric, Ginger, Lemon, Cinnamon, Cumin, etc. can help burn your belly fat. You can use our Premium Lakadong Turmeric Powder for making health shots or herbal teas. Visit our Shop on our website to purchase extract-free, additives-free World's Best Turmeric Powder.

  • Starting your day with Ginger Turmeric shots can help give you a boost, as these herbs work as detoxifiers and promote blood circulation.







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