Ancestral Wisdom: The Science Behind How Golden Milk (Haldi Doodh) Promotes Sleep

Sleep is magical for our well-being. It is essential for full body health, restoring and repairing while also providing you energy during the day. Yet, for many of us, it can be hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. The answer to our sleep troubles can be found in our kitchens: Golden Milk.

Our ancestors drank Golden Milk, or Haldi Doodh, to remedy sleep issues as well as to aid recovery during sleep, and they’ve passed that wisdom down to us. While this drink is warming and comforting, it’s also scientifically proven to help us to sleep. Let’s learn how it all works.

Why Is Sleep So Important?

The quality and quantity of our sleep directly impact how we feel during the day. Getting enough good quality sleep helps us think, learn, work, react, and socialize. Although we might think of sleep as a restful time, the body and brain are actually hard at work. Here are just a few beneficial things that occur thanks to sleep:

●      Hormone release and metabolism: Sleep, along with your circadian rhythms, controls your hormones. Having a regular sleep schedule supports healthy hormone production. For growing children, sleep also helps the body produce the growth hormone.

●      Weight maintenance: Getting enough sleep helps regulate your hunger hormones: leptin and ghrelin. It also helps your body properly respond to insulin. All of these hormones play a role in how much you eat and how you burn the food you consume.

●      Immune system support: While you sleep, your immune system works to create more of the immune cells that protect you from colds and viruses.

Golden Milk and Sleep

World-renowned nutritionist and Iyengar Yoga Practitioner Rujuta Diwekar recommends that you drink one glass of Haldi Doodh every night. She says, “A cup of this magic potion before bedtime has been recommended by our elders since time immemorial. It will allow you to get restful sleep. This is especially true in cases where there’s broken sleep multiple times because of restless leg syndrome. It allows you to wrap up the stresses of the day and reboot/refresh your mind and body for the following day. ” The key to the magic of Golden Milk is in its ingredients. Let’s take a closer look.

Turmeric’s Nutrient Content

Turmeric, especially Lakadong turmeric, is an excellent source of magnesium. Magnesium helps you sleep by relaxing your body and brain via activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. This is the body’s natural mechanism that helps you calm down and rest.

Potassium is another key nutrient found in turmeric. This nutrient is a natural muscle relaxant. It can help you unwind, especially if you have sore muscles, and help you stay asleep. Studies show that potassium helps increase time asleep and may be useful in treating insomnia.

Read More: Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric Shots


You’ll find saffron in Mt. Meru Medicines Golden Milk. Aside from adding an enticingly nuanced flavor, saffron can also improve your mood and help you to sleep. Studies have found that consuming saffron daily can improve sleep quality and sleep duration, as well as make it easier to fall asleep.


The traditional recipe for Haldi Doodh calls for dairy milk. This type of milk is an excellent source of tryptophan, which helps you produce serotonin. Serotonin improves mood and encourages relaxation, which helps you fall asleep. Milk also contains melatonin, which is a hormone that tells your brain when it's time to sleep. If you don’t consume dairy, you can also use almond milk. Almond milk contains many sleep-promoting nutrients, including magnesium, tryptophan, and melatonin.

 Our ancestors were right: Golden Milk before bed is the perfect sleep aid. This nurturing drink has many other benefits to enjoy, too. According to Diwekar, “Haldi and milk is a powerful combination of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory agents. Together they will ensure that your fat loss is accelerated.” She also says, “In fact, it can even help with common colds and coughs … it remains a safe herb for people of all ages and conditions.”

 Simplify your nightly cup of golden milk by using Mt. Meru Medicines Ānanda - our Blissful Golden Milk Sachets.  































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